The Truth About French Bulldogs: Addressing Common Health Concerns Through Responsible Breeding

French Bulldogs, affectionately known as Frenchies, are beloved for their charming personalities and adorable looks. However, there’s been a growing trend of highlighting the breed’s health issues, such as breathing problems, allergies, skin conditions, cherry eye, orthopedic and neuromuscular diseases, and reproductive complications. While these concerns are valid, they don’t tell the whole story. From my years of experience as a breeder, I can confidently say that most of these issues can be mitigated through responsible breeding practices.

The Importance of Responsible Breeding

1. Breathing Issues

One of the most commonly cited problems in French Bulldogs is their breathing. This issue primarily arises from brachycephalic airway syndrome, which is linked to their flat faces and short noses. However, good breeding practices can make a significant difference. Breeders should avoid dogs with pinched nares (narrow nostrils) and ensure that their breeding pairs have been evaluated for airway health. By selecting dogs with open nostrils and good respiratory function, breeders can reduce the prevalence of breathing problems in their litters.

2. Allergies and Skin Problems

Allergies, which often lead to skin issues, are another common concern with French Bulldogs. These can manifest as itching, redness, and infections. Quality breeders are now more diligent about ensuring that their breeding dogs have few or no allergies. By conducting thorough DNA testing and carefully selecting breeding pairs, breeders can significantly decrease the incidence of allergies and related skin problems in their puppies.

3. Cherry Eye

Cherry eye, a condition where the gland of the third eyelid prolapses, is relatively common in Frenchies. While this can be surgically corrected, responsible breeders can reduce its occurrence by not breeding dogs that have a history of this condition.

4. Orthopedic and Neuromuscular Diseases

French Bulldogs can be prone to certain orthopedic and neuromuscular diseases due to their unique structure. Responsible breeders address this by performing genetic testing to screen for conditions like hip dysplasia and intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). By avoiding breeding dogs that carry these genetic markers, the prevalence of these conditions can be reduced.

5. Reproductive and Birthing Complications

It is true that many French Bulldogs require human assistance for reproduction and birthing due to their narrow hips and large heads. This characteristic is inherent to the breed. However, responsible breeders work closely with veterinarians to ensure the health and safety of both the mother and puppies during the breeding process.

Addressing Misconceptions in the Veterinary Community

There has been a noticeable increase in veterinarians and vet techs expressing reluctance to own or recommend French Bulldogs due to the health issues they encounter. This perspective, while understandable, doesn’t provide a complete picture.

Veterinarians primarily see Frenchies with health problems because their practice focuses on treating sick animals. For every French Bulldog they see with issues, there are dozens more that are perfectly healthy and thriving. It’s important to recognize that these healthy Frenchies are the result of diligent and responsible breeding practices.

The Role of DNA Testing in Responsible Breeding

DNA testing plays a crucial role in responsible breeding. By screening for genetic dispositions to various health issues, breeders can make informed decisions about which dogs to breed. This proactive approach helps to reduce the incidence of inherited conditions and ensures that only the healthiest dogs are part of the breeding program.


French Bulldogs, like any breed, have their health challenges. However, many of these concerns can be effectively addressed through responsible breeding practices. At Faithful Frenchies, we are committed to producing healthy, happy puppies by ensuring our breeding dogs are thoroughly tested and selected for their excellent health.

We encourage potential Frenchie owners to seek out reputable breeders who prioritize health and responsible breeding. By doing so, you can enjoy the many wonderful qualities of this beloved breed without undue concern for their well-being.

For more information about our breeding practices and available puppies, please visit our website or contact us directly. We are dedicated to providing you with the healthiest and happiest French Bulldogs.

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